La embarassada Amy Sumer va córrer nua al camp pel fet de pr


"Amy Schumer Creixement ja és aquest dimarts, i no puc esperar a llegir tot el que els homes de la crítica blanca explicaran el meu embaràs!" - Va escriure una actriu.

En els comentaris, es va recolzar no només per usuaris normals, sinó també els famosos col·legues. Jennifer Garner va qualificar les imatges i va cridar a Shumer de Beauty, l'estrella "de Dawn to Sunset" Juliet Lewis va admetre que no podia esperar el llançament de l'espectacle, i Elizabeth Banks va escriure sobre el que Amy és "bell i fort". Va assenyalar el lloc i l'estrella dels "Jocs dels trons" Emilia Clark.

La embarassada Amy Sumer va córrer nua al camp pel fet de pr 119775_1

La embarassada Amy Sumer va córrer nua al camp pel fet de pr 119775_2

Si hi hagués comentaris dels usuaris insatisfets, es van perdre entre una desenes de milers de comentaris positius. Només es pot enviar, quines revisions rebran el stand-up després d'accedir a les pantalles. Sumer, òbviament, hi ha alguna cosa que cal dir: al gener, un comededor de 37 anys compartit amb aficionats, que amb prou feines transfereix el primer embaràs i es va comparar de l'heroïna de la pel·lícula "Monster" a causa de l'aparença modificada.

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My special #GROWING is available starting at midnight tonight! Thanks to the editors @kellylyonedit and @cplatas - assistant editor. @florianballhaus the DP @ryanecunningham for all post work. @berniekaminski for line producing. @marcusraboydirector for watching my back while I was on stage. @tomlappinn for his camera work @kimmykuppkakes for hair @andrea_tiller for makeup @hatchgal for my dress. All the local Chicago crew from the camera ops to the PAs. Stage manager. Lighting design. Prompter. Everything ran so smooth! Catering to ushers. To the great audience and the people of Chicago. I am very proud of my work on this as the director and that my production company produced this. It was hard work and i was sick and pregnant. Thanks for believing i could do it @netflixisajoke Especially Robbie and Grig and Ted! Thanks @miacomedy and @janellejamescomedy for getting the crowd right. Thanks berk! Thanks to @mugsykane and @kimcaramele and @mofischhh for helping me every step of the way and telling me if my jokes sucked and slowly manipulating me into doing it at a gorgeous theater instead of a little club. @chicagotheatre is astounding. But more than anyone and im assuming no one is reading this anymore. But thank you to my husband, Chris who has kept me going during this pregnancy. His willingness and desire to be open with the world about himself and our marriage is courageous and beautiful. He makes me laugh more than anyone and he laughs at me more than anyone. I am more than grateful to have found such an amazing partner and best friend. I’m shocked. I didn’t think this love was out there for me. But it was and it is and I can’t wait to spend my life with you and our growing family. This special is dedicated to my friend @clubsodakenny son Doug and to our new baby who will be joining us very very soon.

Публикация от @ amyschumer

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