Dia de Instagram: Summer Jared, Jason Momoa, Zack Efron, Dwayne Johnson i altres


Chloe Kardashian felicita feliç aniversari Kendall Jenner

In every lifetime I'm choosing to have you as my sister and best friend! Happy birthday @kendalljenner

Фото опубликовано Khloé (@khloekardashian)

Idris Elba intenta la seva força en l'anell com a kickboxer

Jason Momoa amb els seus fills

Papa will be home soon lovees Aloha papa

Фото опубликовано Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies)

Selfie Hot Jennifer Lopez

#loveyourselffirst #feelingempowered? #healthybodyhealthymind

Фото опубликовано Jennifer Lopez (@jlo)

Emilia Clark sobre el conjunt de "Jocs de trons" a Espanya

Zac Efron escriu el seu lot per al musical "El major showman de la terra"


Фото опубликовано Zac Efron (@zacefron)

Demi Lovato i les conseqüències de Feliç Halloween

Halloween was fun..

Фото опубликовано Demi Lovato (@ddlovato)

Lady Gaga demostra el seu primer pla de maquillatge

?if I had a highway I would run for the hills, if you could find a dry way I'd forever be still...but your givin' me a #MillionReasons?

Фото опубликовано Lady Gaga (@ladygaga)

Scott Eastwood comparteix la foto dels nens

Instagram oficial Marvel es va interessar pels receptors en honor de l'estrena nord-americana "Dr. Strange"

Now that is one MEOW-gical feline! #DoctorStrange (?: @cat_cosplay)

Фото опубликовано Marvel Entertainment (@marvel)

Duane Johnson interpreta a Karen Gillian al set "Jumanji" (i gairebé es posa a la cara)

Got her again! Luv that @karengillanofficial's first instinct was to take a swing at me. #OnSet #Jumanji #ToughScottishBlood

Видео опубликовано therock (@therock)

Gal Gadot comparteix la nova "Wonder Women Women" Trailer

✨ Power. Grace. Wisdom. Wonder. ✨ So excited to share this with you - our NEW trailer for #WonderWoman!

Видео опубликовано Gal Gadot (@gal_gadot)

Jared Leto divideix el vídeo d'un concert de 30 segons a Mart

Repost from @jaredletotoday using @RepostRegramApp - COME TO BRAZIL @30secondstomars

Видео опубликовано JARED LETO (@jaredleto)

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