Sheilin Woods arrestat durant una promoció contra la construcció del gasoducte


L'incident es va produir al districte de Morton (Dakota del Nord). Actriu i 26 activistes més van protestar contra la construcció del gasoducte d'accés Dakota. Els manifestants no es van adaptar a la ruta del procés de gasoducte a través del riu, sobre l'estat de l'aigua en què estaven preocupats, i el fet que el gasoducte d'oli hagi de passar pels llocs d'enterrament dels indis. Segons Sheilin Wood, juntament amb altres manifestants, va anar al cotxe per tornar pacíficament al campament, que van trencar a la vora del riu Missouri al maig, quan els oficials de policia estaven envoltats d'ells i es van asseure a tots els manifestants en un camió enorme.

27 persones van ser arrestades per a l'entrada il·legal al territori de la construcció. És cert que el representant de la fusta, per la seva banda, va dir que l'actriu ja estava alliberada de la custòdia.

Vídeo de la detenció Sheein va publicar a la seva actriu Instagram Nikki Reed:

#Repost @seekthetruth with @repostapp Everyone please share!! Actress #ShaileneWoodley was arrested in North Dakota while protesting the #DakotaAccessPipeline that will desecrate sacred #NativeAmerican land and pollute water, the incident was captured live on camera. Woodley is seen narrating her own arrest in a video posted on her Facebook page, saying she was headed peacefully back to her vehicle when “they grabbed me by my jacket and said that I wasn’t allowed to continue … and they have giant guns and batons and zip ties and they are not letting me go.” An officer is heard on the video telling the actress that she is being arrested for "trespassing". As she was led away in handcuffs, Woodley says on the video she was among hundreds of protesters but was singled out “because I’m well known, because I have 40,000 people watching.” She is known for her #environmental activism, has previously joined members of North Dakota’s #StandingRockSiouxTribe to protest against the proposed construction of the $3.7 billion project. The 1,100-mile (1770.28-km) pipeline, being built by a group of companies led by Energy Transfer Partners LP, would be the first to bring Bakken shale from North Dakota directly to refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast. The group behind the Dakota Access pipeline had planned to start operations in the fourth quarter of this year, but construction has been delayed by demonstrations. On Sunday, a federal court rejected a request by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to halt construction of the Dakota Access pipeline but said that ruling was “not the final word,” as a necessary easement still needed government approval. On Monday, the Department of Justice, U.S. Army and Department of the Interior said that the Army, in the interim, will not authorize construction of the pipeline on Army Corps land bordering or under Lake Oahe. The tribe said the pipeline would leave it vulnerable to contamination from oil spills and would damage historic and culturally significant sites. #NoDAPL #IndigenousPeoplesDay Source:

Видео опубликовано Nikki Reed (@iamnikkireed)

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