Sam Clafinlain si stěžuje na bodysign v Hollywoodu: "Cítil jsem kus masa"


"Byl jsem nucen zvednout košili a začal mě chytit za tukové záhyby, náročné na zhubnutí," stěžuje se herec. "Pak mě tleskali a cítil jsem kus masa." Clappin chápe, že filmový průmysl je těžké místo, kde se musíte neustále sledovat, nicméně to nebylo vždycky, herec věří. "V 50. letech, například to nebylo takový problém. James Bond neměl kostky. Samotná společnost stanoví standardy a diktáty, jak by se mělo podívat. " Herec také dodal, že ženy v Hollywoodu mají mnohem obtížnější než muži, ale druhý je obtížnější mluvit o tom. "Muži musí být také znevýhodněn, ale jsou méně pravděpodobní, že o tom mluvit. Teď trávím hodiny v tělocvičně, sedím na dietě, abych uspokojil něčí očekávání, a to se již změnilo v rušivá myšlenka, "říká Clafin.

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49/50 final thought I had to get myself in peak physical condition to play Will before the accident, and that came along with at least one long and hard daily session in the gym and a very strict diet, with little sleep. It was important for me to show the distinct differences between him before and after the accident, not only emotionally and mentally, but physically too. I shed over 3 stone in the three months I was training, and honestly pushed my personal limits. A lot of people struggle with every day life, and do it alone, I was fortunate to have a wonderful support network around me, guiding me through the process step by step. I'm not saying I'm a hero. I'm merely saying I found it tough and therefore appreciate what other people go through. I'm an actor. I do what I can to make each part I play as believable as I can. To play it honestly. And truthfully. And hope people invest within that character. The two sides of Will, are of course just one person, but I believe we are all made up of many different versions of ourselves. A lot of us haven't been tested the way Will has, but something as life-changing as that, will affect people differently. Every person is different. Everyone deals with circumstance and situation differently. And everyone should be able to make choices in life without judgement or comment. This film is Wills journey. Enjoy your journey. #liveboldly #50daycountdown #willtraynor @mebeforeyouofficial

Публикация от Sam Claflin (@mrsamclaflin)

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