Kaya, Symudwch: Daeth merch 16 oed Kate Moss yn wyneb y brand ffasiwn Marc Jacobs


Yn Cyfrif Instagram, Marc Jacobs Harddwch, ymddangosodd y llun cyntaf o'r ymgyrch hysbysebu brand newydd y mae Lila ifanc yn cael ei darlunio. Mae'r ferch yn cynrychioli'r modd ar gyfer colur casgliad gwanwyn, y sesiwn ffotograffydd oedd David Sims.

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When I met @lilamoss for the first time in 2008, I was on a holiday in Ibiza and went to Formentera for the day to visit with her mom, Kate Moss, and other friends and family. At just 6 years old, Lila’s strong character, demeanor and great beauty was already very apparent. The next time I saw Lila was in August of 2011 at Kate’s wedding, her character was even more dynamic and her beauty even greater. This past July is the last time I saw Lila when Kate brought her to the set of our @marcbeauty campaign shoot with @davidsimsofficial. It was a bit surreal to have Kate in the studio with Lila as it brought back memories of the first time I met Kate when she was 18 years old and cast to walk for the Perry Ellis’ Spring/Summer 1993 Grunge Collection. Kate and I became very close after the Grunge Collection and remain lifelong friends (much of which is very well documented!). When Lila came to NYC to work with us in July to be the face of our latest beauty campaign it felt a bit like an intersection of my personal and professional life coming full circle as we gathered in the studio with @davidsimsofficial, @kegrand, @guidopalau, @dianekendal and @katemossagency. It is with great pride and a full heart that I share this (first) image from our shoot with the incredible @lilamoss in her first ever campaign for @marcbeauty. Lila’s beauty, composure, patience and kindness made this project even more special than I could have imagined. With each look we photographed, she got into each character effortlessly and gracefully. Thank you, Lila, for being a part of this extremely special project and thank you, @katemossagency and @jeffersonhack for allowing us the privilege to work with your beautiful daughter. Love, Marc

Публикация от Marc Jacobs (@themarcjacobs)

Dywedodd pennaeth y tŷ ffasiwn Mark Jacobs ei fod yn hapus iawn i weithio gyda merch Kate, sy'n ddyfodol mawr yn y model. Ers Moss Moss, Mark wedi bod yn ffrindiau ers blynyddoedd lawer, felly nid yw'n syndod bod Lila wedi derbyn tocyn i fyd ffasiwn mor gyflym. Cyfaddefodd y ferch ei bod hi ei hun eisiau nid yn unig i orchfygu podiwm y byd, ond hefyd i ddod yn feirniad ffasiynol dylanwadol.

Hysbysebu Fideo Teaser i raddio Lila, felly i siarad, mewn deinameg:

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