Interview Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart for Insder


Question for Taylor Lotter.

Insder: Looked last night, I looked "Eclipse", the film is just wonderful. And I must say that you have, or rather, Jacob has a huge number of fans. The crowd just goes crazy. What do you think about this? Taylor Lautner: I .. that is, Jacob is just delighted with it. No, it ... it's a little ridiculous, because in this film Jacob is crushed. He approaches Bella so closely, he kisses her and all that. And then it is repelled.

Question for Robert Pattinson:

Insder: What sensations, after you became a world superstar?

Robert Pattinson: I calmly perceive everything. I want to say - this is a job. And how I lived before ... almost nothing has changed. I have the same friends, I continue to do the same than before. You know, with all the fans ... Well, I just continue to live further as if nothing has changed. Probably, this is the easiest way to cope with all this.

Question for Kristen Stewart:

Insder: The feeling that you gradually began to get used to the attention of you, which you are given in connection with this saga. This is true?

Kristen Stewart: Yes. Because it's all face. It comes to just to funny. I need to relax and stop trying to control everything. Because when you do it, then, on the contrary, you grumble everything. This is all so confused, confuses. Yes, I definitely get used to attention. Because I do not care, I control the situation or not. I perceive everything with humor.

Questions for Taylor Lotter:

INSDER: Taylor, how do you manage to stay so calm, how do you think?

Taylor: I would describe it so. I have two separate world in which I live. I have this world, he is delightful, I am very interested, I do what I like. But I have another world that existed before all this. And I managed to save it. I can quietly live in the world while I spend time with my family, friends, doing the same as before.

INSDER: About episodes with kisses that are present in the film. All your fans want to learn more about it. Is it not strange to shoot such scenes when around the film crew?

Taylor Lautner: Yes, but after. I and Kristen and I have very close friends, but when we play Jacob Bella, we are Jacob and Bella. That is, when I become Jacob and Bella with Kristen. You kiss, then look around, and the entire film crew looks at you. Yes, it is a bit strange.

Question for Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart:

Insder: Your characters, Jacob and Edward, constantly encounter heads, but you, Taylor and Robert, for sure, on the contrary, are friends. Is it difficult to separate on-screen life from personal? How are you, Kristen, between all this?

Taylor Lautner: I must hate Edward, and, accordingly, hate Rob. It is difficult, because Rob is a cheerful and cool guy, although his Edward Blood is my jacob. And when we starred in the episode, where we had to shout on each other, he grabs me by the shoulder, I shake his hand. And as soon as we were told: "Removed!" We started laughing. At times, it is very difficult to maintain a serious facial expression.

Robert Pattinson: Just when we shot this episode with a fight, I tried to play rudely, feel a steep guy, how Edward is. I tried to grab Jacoba by the shoulder, but Taylor is too big for him to be just easy to grasp, my hand just slipped down several times until I adapt. But I am in the idea of ​​superman as he. Yes, funny. And the same scene, when he was in something like a wolf costume, and we just threw it for all these sensors, here's dying.

Kristen Stewart: This is a very good question, is it not strange to work with your friends. Everything becomes homely. We met already in this world, I think it is especially easier. It forms relationships, the place of our meeting, because we all like this movie. It's like ... I know Jacob, that is, I know the theya and I know, co-out-vest-vest, but ... Rob and this is what we do.

Question for Kristen Stewart:

INSDER: Do you confuse movies with reality? Certainly stitched? Call guys their characters?

Kristen: I know, I know. Only names are serious. And sometimes, as now. It's really stupid. But with whom it does not happen, we are all one foot in that reality until I choke the last "dawn".

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