Video: Jennifer Aniston on the morning GMA show


Leading: This is your film with Gerard Butler, this is the new genre of action for you. I read that all the tricks you are full of themselves. What was it?

Aniston: Yes, new, I wanted to try. It was not the genre in which I used to work before. I studied on the go. It was very interesting and exciting.

Leading: You trained in advance. Special preparation and so on?

Aniston: Training? Not! It's a pity. Because at first it was scary. This moment is funny when we rush around the golf field. And so, then I fly to the lake!

Leading: Was it the most interesting moment for you? Or the most terrible?

Aniston: Funny? Yes, almost the most funny, you can say so. But not the worst. The most terrible moment was when they shot the episode with the persecution by machines. When you first shoot. Then the car is taped. All these shots, sounds are different. Racing at speed. When I first heard that we would drive in a special car for cascaders with fuses, imitation, my lump in my throat was formed.

Leading: How did you get all this in my shoes from Monolo?!

Aniston: Yes, it was fun. But Montolo is very convenient to run, as it turned out surprisingly. Do not rub legs. And generally speaking. So remember, Montouro shoes are excellent for long ranks - well, you never know how to use it.

Leading: I'm afraid my wife will test in the week. Joke. What is this chemistry that everyone says about?

Aniston: Oo! Jerry is yes. He is chic. He is gentle. Soft Funny. No pompousness and star. Different male vucrutes. He is simple.

Leading: We will now show you two. What kind of rustling you are rustled by this photoset for the magazine W. So attractively!

Aniston: Daa. In fact, this frame that they took the cover - the most inconvenient position in which we were with him. My one leg is turned out. And it too. The second bent. And it too. At the same time I had to learn to him. And he still keep me and his back. Therefore, we have such strange faces.

Leading: Do you keep some strategy? Regarding all these tabloid rumors and assumptions of the tables?

Aniston: Table rumors? What are the table rumors?

Leading: You do not read? Or read? Is it how ugly, or anyway?

Aniston: I do not read tabloids. A long time ago. Of course, before me, rumors and so reach. I have long learned to live outside it. I have something skin has become impenetrable due to the past. I know my loved ones know that I have in my heart, in my head. What I live. Really. What can not be true. Well, this is the same human essence to gossip, discuss someone. From this it is impossible to hide. And the nerves will not be enough to be angry or prove the truth, in general every time somehow react. A popular person is aware that his face, his name, not only film producers and companies with TV show and gloss, in which public people participate themselves. But the rest. Without their participation. And consent.

Leading: I agree. Let's discuss photos of your home now. From the recent magazine. It's just some kind of dream house. What is it? Living room?

Aniston: This is a rest room. Yes.

Leading: It's a kitchen? Pizza parties arrange?

Aniston: Of course, friends love pizza.

Leading: How did you all invented it?

Aniston: I imagined what I wanted. So, in principle, per day. I walked, everything was comprehended, having gathered everything together. I already had two huge folders, where I collected the colors of the necessary, samples of materials, and so on. I all gave the team of architects and said, here guys, dare. And they did, as I dreamed! Stephen Shadley is just a young man. Complete together in more than 2 years of reconstruction. Do everything as I wanted.

Leading: Your best friend Courtney Coke is removed in his series. Lisa Kudrou already lit up on old friendship. And you?

Aniston: Maybe very soon.

Leading: Your next movie. What will he be about? Also action? You liked it.

Aniston: Neot. I will answer: yes. I just sleep a little.

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