Armor Hummer criticized the stars for the publication of Selfie with Stan Lee - and immediately got criticized in response


The star of the film "Call me with your name" called a wave of indignation from ordinary and star users. He criticized celebrities, who honored the memory of Stan Lee, laying out Selfie on his pages with his participation. "I'm so touched by all these stars who are postponed by photos of themselves with Stan Lee. Well, of course, there is no better way to honor the memory of a legendary man than to set a photo with him, "Hammer said sorely.

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We lost some magic today. Stan will be missed. Rest In Peace my friend. Xojd

Публикация от Jeffrey Dean Morgan (@jeffreydeanmorgan)

The star of "Keepers" and "Walking Deads" Jeffrey Din Morgan stood up on defending the mournfulness. He accused the actor in an attempt to attract attention from the death of Stan Lee. "It seems you have found a way to use grief and other people's memories to draw attention to your person. You are expressing like a real m *** K. " Later, tweet Morgan was removed.

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I owe it all to you,,, Rest In Peace Stan... #MCU #Excelsior #legend #rip #stanlee #TeamStark

Публикация от Robert Downey Jr. (@robertdowneyjr)

One of the users suggested that the actor advise the correct way to express his respect, to which Hummer replied: "If Stan has influenced you and your life, lay out his work. Publishing Selfie, you show how cool look next to him, and do not honor his memory at all. "

Among the Hollywood celebrities, sharing a joint photo with Stan Lee, were Robert Dowuni ML., Tom Holland, Milli Bobby Brown, Hugh Jackman, Zoe Soldin, Tom Hardy and many others.

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