Initially, Stephanie Meyer wanted to "twilight" the main roles played Henry Cavill and Emily Browning


At least 2020 was not easy for many, Stephanie Fans Meyer will remember him thanks to a joyful event, after all, after many years, the author finally released the new Book "Midnight Sun.". In this novel, the famous History of "Twilight" was retold from the point of view of Edward Callen, and it reminded the audience about how it all began. And at the same time the fans of the franchise again discussed how the writer itself said that he originally seen in the main roles of the film simply not Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.

As it turned out, Meyer could not influence the one who from the actors will eventually receive a place in the franchise, but still herself dreamed of seeing in the form of Edward and Bella Henry Caville and Emily Browning. "The only actor who, in my opinion, could approach the way to play Edward Cullen, was Henry Cavill," she said. It is curious that in second place on her list was just Pattinson, as well as the author found the worthy vampire role and vocalist My Chemical Romance Gerard Waye.

In the case of Bella, Stephanie also had several lovers - for example, the current star of Ambrell Academy Elliot Page, as well as Daniel Panabaker (Flash). But still her favorite was Browning, which shortly before the screening of "Twilight" played in the "Lemoni Snick: 33 misfortunes."

In short, the dreams of Meyer, Twilight could turn out to be completely different. But as a result, none of the actors who did not get the role did not lose this, their careers cannot be called deficiently.

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