Peter Jackson shared that his favorite scene from the "Lord of the Rings" was filmed his wife


The creator of the trilogy "Lord of the Rings" Peter Jackson recently spoke in an interview with The Independent that his favorite scene of the "split" of Hollum from the second part of the franchise put on the novels of J. R. R. Tolkina, not he, and his colleague, New Zealand Writer, Co-author and cozer "Lord of the Rings" Fran Walsh.

When Peter Jackson asked about his favorite scene in all the trilogy, New Zealand cinematographer, contrary to expectations, called Hollum's monologue from the film "The Lord of the Rings: Two Fortresses" (2002).

"We then removed the" two fortresses ", in which I first appeared Hollum, - Jackson admitted. - The key problem with Hollum was that, although most viewers understood that Hollum and Smeagol were the same in the same character, we had never repelled this idea on the screen in such a way that it became obvious: in this guy Two personalities. We needed to do it, but we absolutely had no time left for filming. "

At this time, Jackson was busy with other manufacturing affairs, so he had to convince his co-author and a Fran Walche's co-producer to write a scene in which two halms of Hollum interact with each other. According to the director, Walsh not only wrote this scene, but he took off her:

"Fran wrote the scene in which Sam and Frodo sleep and therefore can be just outlined in bed, for which it was not necessary to use Elaju [Wood] and Sean [Estine]. And since we did not have anyone who could take it, I said Fran: "You wrote you and you will shoot!" So, she wrote and put the scene, which has now become quite famous. "

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