Results 2020 according to PopcornNews: best actress of the year


Anya Taylor-Joy, TV series "Queen's move"

Results 2020 according to PopcornNews: best actress of the year 100943_1

"Queen's Structure" completely unexpectedly "broke" on the air, "shot" on Netflix and literally enchanting viewers. The intellectual drama about chess player struggling with the inner demons and external opponents, probably, would not be so successful without Ani Taylor-Joy, which showed a really outstanding level of acting game. The organizers of the BAFTA premium, the British Oscar analogue, obviously knew something, in 2017, including Anya in the list of applicants for the prestigious Award "Rising Star". Three years later, Taylor-Joy from the "ascending" turned into a lot that there was no "held" the star.

Milli Bobby Brown, the film "Enola Holmes"

Results 2020 according to PopcornNews: best actress of the year 100943_2

Another young asterisk, well, however, familiar to the audience on the series "Very weird business". Career Mills is gaining momentum - from the small screen, she successfully moved to the big, managed to play in the blockbuster "Godzilla 2: King of Monsters", and this year - to work with the brilliant acting "Enolant Holmes" in the face of Henry Caville, Sam Claflin and Helena Bonham Carter. "Enola" won a very solid rating of 91% on Rotten Tomatoes, and critics characterized the acting game Milli as a "real discovery".

Charlize Theron, the film "Immortal Guard"

Results 2020 according to PopcornNews: best actress of the year 100943_3

Another Netflix project, which this year beats all sorts of records - from the size of the audience to the number of awards for its films and TV shows. "The Immortal Guard", becoming a kind of "master class on the shooting of inclusive projects," there would be so successful without Charlize Theron, which, as shown by the last few years, perfectly "fits" into the genre of the militant and action (which only examples are " Mad Max "and" explosive blonde ").

Margo Robbie, film "Precious Birds"

Results 2020 according to PopcornNews: best actress of the year 100943_4

Let the "predatory birds" of special love in the audience and success at the box office did not decrease, Margot Robbie in this passing filmmix of the film DCEU was still at the height - no matter how criticized this film and the audience, and the movieSperts, Margo Robbie and her acting talents neither One reproach did not deserve. Some and at all believe that only the insane charm of Harley Quinn performed by Margo and "pulled out" a mediocre picture.

Elizabeth Moss, Film "Invisible Man"

Results 2020 according to PopcornNews: best actress of the year 100943_5

In the success of the "invisible man" believed, probably units - which is quite logical, given how many scandals and simply unsuccessful circumstances were around the film. Let's start with the fact that Johnny Depp is to be filmed in it - Non-Grah's person's person in the film business 2020. After Depp dropped out of the project, the creators accepted a bold decision - changed the floor to the main hero and filing the plot at the same time. The risk was huge - but the reward turned out to be appropriate: thanks to the brilliant acting talents, Elizabeth Moss "Invisible Man" became one of the most sensory projects of 2020 and won the highest assessments and critics, and spectators (91% and 88% on Rotten Tomatoes, respectively). It seems to scare and scared Elizabeth as no other.

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