The new synopsis "Shan-Chi" hints that the title hero was a member of a terrorist organization


After some time, after the hands-based presentation, the Disney Investors Day on the official website of Marvel Entertainment published a press release with an updated Synopsis Action "Shan-Chi and Legend of Ten Rings".

The name of the tape refers to the famous terrorist organization, controlled by the powerful superzlodem Mandarin, first appeared in the "Iron Man" (2008). The new description of the plot hints that the main character in the past either was a member of this criminal group, or was somehow connected with its activities:

"Shan-Chi must confront the ghosts of the past, which, as he mistakenly believed, left him alone. The hero is drawn into the tangled web of the mysterious organization "Ten Rings".

While this is the most surround description of the plot of official sources, but this tie of history does not contradict the long-time rumors, in which it was argued that the Martial Arts Master of Martial Arts was one of the pupils of the Mandarin School, which in the militant Destin Kretton ("just pardon") played Long Chu Wai . In general, the tape is positioned by the response of Marvel Spy Pictures about James Bond.

Together with Sime, Liu in the main acting is also occupied by Aquaphine, Michelle Yeo, Florian Muntean, Ronnie Chien, Chen Fala, Zhang Maine and Rosalind Chao. Shooting "Shan-Chi" has already ended, and now Kinokomiks prepare for the premiere, which will be held on July 8, 2021.

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