John Boyega would be happy to play in a romantic drama or comedy


British artist John Boyega received the greatest fame thanks to participation in the Star Wars Sicvel Series and after the accusations of Disney Corporation in Rasism. Having played the main role in the film "Red, White and Blue" from the TV Anthology "Voice of Changes" Steve McQueen, Boyega finally entrenched in the film industry and is ready to manifest himself in different genres, including romantic.

The artist gave an interview with ENTERTIAINMENT WEEKLY within the framework of Promo "Red, White and Blue", which touched upon questions of his acting future. On the question of an interviewer, he would agree on shooting in a romantic comedy, John replied affirmatively. However, ironically added that I did not agree to the favorite Hollywood reception, associated with the death of one of the main characters, as it was in the "Titanic". This, in his opinion, it is necessary only to delete the viewer.

"I love Romomomas or romantic dramas. But at first I must make sure that the conditional woman will free me a little space on the door. We do not do that, Kate Winslet! " - noticed the artist, hinting at the famous debates of the Titanic fans on how the self-sacrifice and the tragic death of Leonardo Dicaprio character.

Recall, the film "Red, White and Blue" with John Boygoye started at the service Amazon Prime Video on December 4, and on the BBC One TV channel a little earlier, November 29th.

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