Portraits of actors from Variety


Living and original portraits will raise mood for a whole day.

Mark Ruffalo ("Fox Hunter") and Jessica Chestain ("InterStellar", "The most cruel year", "Ensuring Eleanor Rigby")

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Keira Knightley ("Playing Imitation", "At least once in life") and Itan Hawk ("Defense")

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Christoph Waltz ("Big Eyes") and Raif Fains ("Grand Hotel" Budapest ")

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David Oletouo ("Selm") and Jack Windowel ("Unlightened")

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Michael Kiton (Berdman) and Reese Witherspoon ("Wild")

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Benedict Cumberbatch ("game in imitation") and Edward Norton ("Berdman")

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Hilary Swank ("Local") and Tilda Suinton ("Through Snow")

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Timothy Spoll ("William Turner") and Marion Cotionar ("Two days, one night")

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Jennifer Aniston ("Cake") and Emily Blante ("The farther in the forest ...")

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Jake Jillenhol ("Stringer") and Patricia Arquette ("Defense")

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Laura Derne ("Wild") and Eddie Redmein ("Universe Stephen Hawking")

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Josh Brolin ("Congenital Pulk") and J. K. Simmons ("Obsession")

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Jenny slate ("His child") and Feliciti Jones ("The Universe Stephen Hawking")

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Oscar Isaac ("The most cruel year") and Mbat-Row's Google ("behind the scenes", "Bell")

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James Korden ("The farther in the forest ...") and Kevin Costner ("Black and White")

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James Brown ("James Brown: Way up") and Logan Lerman ("Rage")

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