Acquaintance with Tolkin, the real sword of Aragorn and a half thousand eggs for breakfast: everything you did not know about the shooting of the "Lord of the Rings"


Actor Christopher Lee (who played Saruman), perhaps, was the biggest fan of the "Lord of the Rings" on the set. He reread books once a year, until his death in 2015, and was the only man on the set, who actually met J.R.R. Tolkien.

In one of the scenes, when Gandalf visits Bilbo House, the wizard hits his head about the ceiling beam - and this frame, as a result, entered the film, actually "born" completely accidentally. Ian McCellen, who played Gandalph in films, hitting, through the pain continued to play, and did it so well that the double was in the film.

The ring of all-in-law is not really the only one in its kind. Peter Jackson presented one copy of the requisite Elaidge Voodoo (Frodo), and the second - Andy Serkis (Mohorum) for memory.

Acquaintance with Tolkin, the real sword of Aragorn and a half thousand eggs for breakfast: everything you did not know about the shooting of the

The program called Massive was responsible for the huge armies of the orcs, elves and people who can be seen in the trilogy "Lord of the Rings". These digital creations could think and fight independently - identifying a friend or enemy - thanks to individual fields of view. Jackson could press one creature of twenty thousand and consider it from all sides. Different types of warriors could even boast of unique battle styles.

Viggo Mortensen himself performed the tricks in the role of Aragorn. He even insisted on the use of real steel sword instead of lighter, aluminum or more secure rubber swords.

Sean Bean is afraid to fly, therefore, when the film crew had to fly from place to place, Bin advanced to a new location on foot. To shoot the scene of the transition through the Caradras, the actor had to go through two miles in the mountains, and, of course, already in the costume of Boromir.

Orlando Bloom began to act as a legolars after just a couple of days after the end of the Gildholl School of Music and theater in London. Initially, he was tried on the role of Famira, but Peter Jackson saw a blond archer in the young actor.

Acquaintance with Tolkin, the real sword of Aragorn and a half thousand eggs for breakfast: everything you did not know about the shooting of the

According to the original scenario, the role of a narrator in the "Brotherhood of the Ring" was to get Frodo, but Jackson rejected this idea. Then he was suggested for this role Gandalf, but this option did not arrange a director. In the end, the choice of Jackson fell on Kate Blanchett, playing Galderiel. The director wanted to emphasize the longevity of the elves.

Viggo Mortensen after the filming of the shooting bought Armen's horse as a gift for Dublershi Liv Tyler. He did not stop on one horse and bought another one, shot with him in the "two fortresses".

Acquaintance with Tolkin, the real sword of Aragorn and a half thousand eggs for breakfast: everything you did not know about the shooting of the

All elves are blue, but they can be distinguished by shades. For example, the elves of the Lycholesie eyes are light blue, and dark blue - in the elves of the separation.

Peter Jackson chose Andy Serkis after multiple listening thanks to his successful imitation of the voices of Gulum. On the actor they put on a special suit with sensors, allowed to fix movements and gestures. Serkis associated the behavior of the Gulum with the behavior of the heroin addict.

Acquaintance with Tolkin, the real sword of Aragorn and a half thousand eggs for breakfast: everything you did not know about the shooting of the

"Brotherhood of Ring" (2001), "Two Fortresses" (2002) and "Return of the King" (2003) were removed in a row without a pause. Shooting lasted record 274 days for 16 months.

Initially, Stewart Townsend was filmed as Aragorn, but after four days he was replaced by Wiggo Mortensen. Jackson just wanted an older actor.

Acquaintance with Tolkin, the real sword of Aragorn and a half thousand eggs for breakfast: everything you did not know about the shooting of the

One of the vague words that Gandalf told a butterfly, hitting Saruman's trap, was "Guyagir" - this is the name of the eagle, which later will save him from the tower.

Since the orcs have black blood, naturally, the cavities of their mouths should also be black. To achieve this effect, before each scene, the orc actors used a crunch rinser for the mouth.

When Gandalf calls his horse, he jumps on the field straight to the wizard. This scene turned out from the first dubl.

When Frodo, before leaving the native house, drops the ring, it simply drops to the floor with dead cargo and does not jump. To achieve such an effect, give the weight to a tiny subject, the film crew used conventional magnets.

Acquaintance with Tolkin, the real sword of Aragorn and a half thousand eggs for breakfast: everything you did not know about the shooting of the

Dead Oliphant from "Return of the King" - the most massive props, made for the "Lord of the Rings". According to the staff of the decoration department, Peter Jackson hoped that the olipone would be even more.

A terrible rubber mask was imposed on the face of Ian Hill in the scene, where Billy is craving for rings in Ramp. The hill was so delighted with the mask that the designer team made the cast-iron version for his fireplace and gave the actor as a farewell gift.

A daily filming group for breakfast was served 1460 eggs.

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