Hearing: Marvel Studios is developing a film about the people of X, called "Mutants"


It seems that the long-awaited joining of the people of the X-mounted Marvel is no longer around the corner. According to the information of the ILLUMINERDI, now in the development of the studio there is a project called The Mutants, which will present a new look at one of the most significant franchises in superhero history. So far it is not known whether this name will remain to the end, but in the coming months of information about the reboot will certainly appear.

Since Marvel in 2019, in 2019, took over the control over the franchises "People of X" and "Fantastic Four," the fans wondered when to wait for the accession of favorite characters to the common kinovylene. However, after about the failed films "X-Mens: Dark Phoenix" and "New Mutants" Kevin Faigi seems to have decided not to hurry anywhere to prepare for the heroes worthy debut.

While the only appearance of mutants in the film Marvel remains Kameo Mercury (Evan Peters) in the Vanda / Vizhne show. But it is obvious that the Studio Boss will not satisfy the TV series dedicated to people on Disney + and now he is aimed at a full-length film.

"You know how much I love the people of X. I have already spoken it again. I can not say anything concrete until we made an official announcement, but be sure, inside the company's company was long and they continue, "the files stated in one of the interviews.

Given the love of fans to the people of X, you can not doubt that Marvel will not keep them in stock. Now in the priority of the studio competent reboot of the franchise, and obviously everything will be done in the best form.

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