Brie Larson stated that Captain Marvel is the strongest among the avengers


The episode "Vanda / Vizhn" came out on Friday, surprised fans, and at the same time made many of them once again declare that Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) is the strongest of the Avengers. True, there are at least one person who categorically disagrees with it, and it is Bree-Larson. The actress, who played Captain Marvel, explained in one of the recent interviews why he considered the most powerful hero of the film dealed it was Carol Danvers.

"This is obvious, I think that I am the strongest, simply because it is so. This is just a fact, I did not come up with it, "Larson joked.

The actress added that he loves to argue on this topic, since he had long competed in force with Chris Hemsworth (Tor) and this funny contest was one of the favorite parts of her work.

"I sincerely believe that Captain Marvel is the strongest character you like, but I judge bias," Vria noticed finally.

By the way, Wanda and Carol connect not only the conditional struggle for the title of the most severe Heroine Marvel. It is expected that Tayon Parry will appear in the captain Marvel 2 in the role of Monica Rambo. And in a recent interview with Rotten Tomatoes, she shared the details of the upcoming shooting plans.

"I can say that while we have not started shooting and I do not know when we begin. We live at a very interesting time, so I think we will start as soon as we can, when it is safe for everyone, "the actress said.

The release of "Captain Marvel 2" is scheduled for November 2022, and the final episode "Vanda / Vizhn" will be released on Disney + for March 5.

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