Andrew Lincoln confirmed that the shooting of films about Rica Freesome will start soon


A couple of weeks ago, the star "Walking the Dead" Andrew Lincoln said that he had already hoped in March to return to the filming of the film about Rica Gheims, and at the same time he confirmed that production really should be resumed. The only question is whether to return to the United States to the British actor, because due to the pandemic the possibility of traveling is now much limited.

"I hope for the best, and if everything works and I can leave my country, I plan to return to America for shooting in the spring-summer," Lincoln said in an interview with Extra.

Earlier, the producer David Alert claimed that the film's team would wait until the situation with Coronavirus would upside down, and only after that she would continue to shoot, but it was already clear that the pandemic was delayed and then it was impossible to postpone. Even if production really starts in the spring, the delay will be for two years.

However, the creator of the Universe "Walking Deads" Scott Gimple assures that no one loses time in vain and, although the forced break is postponed by the return of Rick on the screens, in general the delay went to the tape for the benefit.

"We continue to work on the film. It happens. We are all moving forward, but it will take a little longer than in the case of television, "said Producer.

He added that the film will turn out to be "stunning", so that the wait of the fans will pay off.

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