Why only the original sixteel sixties survived a Tanos's click?


The third phase of the filmmoven Marvel ended a year ago, but the questions from the fans appear so far. And if it were not for the World Quarantine due to a coronavirus pandemic, maybe they would remain without answers. For example, during a recent joint viewing "Avengers: the war of infinity", the audience managed to find out why, after clicking the Tanos, only the original six of the hears remained alive.

Why only the original sixteel sixties survived a Tanos's click? 101467_1

After the release of the film in the cinemas, the fans of the film dealers were shocked by the fact that Marvel sacrificed with new favorites - Black Panther, Galaxy Guards and Spider Man. On this score, even a certain theory appeared, and it was possible to confirm.

Fan with nickname @woodyoncpfilms asked Twitter:

Are there original Avengers alive for the "final" could be about these characters?

And the scripts of Christopher Markus and Stephen McFly confirmed that in many ways everything was so. By the way, the president of Studios Kevin Faigi was expressed similarly in the past year.

In an Empire interview, he noted that all the characters of the original sixteel sixteners were presented in the "final" "very personal and emotionally". And the fact that the heroes who stood at the origins of the creation of the Universe were gathered to finish the story with Tanos once and for all, was truly symbolic.

New adventures of "Avengers" fans will be able to see in the fall. The film "Black Widow" film shifted from the pandemic goes to the screens in October.

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