It is expected that the release of "black widow" will postpone


The premiere of the "Black Widow" is now scheduled for May of this year, however, the likelihood is high that the creators will once again have to transfer the release. The reason, as before, is a coronavirus pandemic. According to the new analytical article of the Variety edition, all major projects of the first half of the 2021th will almost accurately receive new dates.

The world continues to fight infection, and if the launched mass vaccination will not change the situation to the middle of the spring, the new wave of transfers is inevitable. Racing for release slots cannot continue indefinitely, so the site suggests that if everything unfolds for the worst scenario, the question of the release of "black widow" on the flowing service disney + will become more relevant and will be the most optimal output for the creators.

Marvel Studios President Kevin Faigi always defended the project from the premiere on Stregning, but in one of the last interviews the producer was no longer so categorical:

"In the modern world, to be absolutely confident in something - it is meaningless. No one knows what will happen next, but, as they say, Hope is dying the latter. I think the annual deferment will be enough because the vaccine appeared. In general, let's see what will happen next. I really want to return to cinemas with people. "

The official premiere date of the "black widow" remains on May 7.

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