The director of the Guardians of the Galaxy explained how to learn how to understand the grits


The "Guardians of the Galaxy" became for the fans of one of the favorite parts of the filmmovered Marvel, and from the moment of entering the screens of the first film the franchise, its characters invariably cause interest. Of course, it is quite expected that the most spectators intrigued the pecto - the newly similar to the tree, which is expressing only one phrase:

I have a sad.

The director of the Guardians of the Galaxy explained how to learn how to understand the grits 101585_1

The best friend of the genus is the raccoon rocket, and they have already learned to understand him as it follows what you will not say about the rest of the characters. During the recent quarantine viewing of the "Guardians of the Galaxy 2", one of the fans even asked James Gunn, why the universal translator of Star Lord (Chris Prett) does not cope with the glow language. And the director first replied that "not all languages" were downloaded to the device of Peter Quille, and then added that "people do not understand the native through knowledge of the language - they understand it through unity."

If you think about the words of Gann about the garden are endowed with a deep meaning. They show how important the connection with loved ones is for him, because only those who truly devoted to him can understand his language. An explanation about the translator of the star Lord was also not superfluous - now everyone knows that this is not an ideal device, which means that in future films hero can get away from him in an awkward or funny situation.

It is still unknown when fans waiting for the nearest meeting with a gender, because the "Guardians of the Galaxy 3" there is no accurate date of release on the screen. But it is quite possible that the hero himself, and his friends will appear in the "Torah: Love and Thunder" (February 2022). It would be logical, as the last time the character of Chris Hemsworth was just seen in the Galaxy Guardians.

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