The first teaser-poster of the new screening Mortal Kombat is presented.


The network has the first official teaser poster of the new film adaptation of the game franchise Mortal Kombat. The image captured a traditional silver-gilded logo, as well as a new date of the premiere, indicating that the film will be released on April 16, 2021 on a hybrid release model - simultaneously in cinemas and at the HBO Max streaming service. And in the IMAX halls.

The first teaser-poster of the new screening Mortal Kombat is presented. 101610_1

Last month, Producer Todd Garner said that the premiere of the debut trailer will be held in the new year, and the screenwriter Greg Rousseau, who had previously worked on the restarting "Resident of Evil", promised that the picture would be as close as possible to display the spirit of the primary source, i.e. With all the inherent cruelty and spectacular scenes of fights.

In the cast of the militant Warner Bros. Are busy Ludi Lin (Liu Ka), Joe Taslim (Sab-Ziro), Hiroshuki Sanada (Scorpio), Chin Han (Shang Tsung), Tandobu Asano (Rydeng), Mehcad Brooks (Jacks), Sisi Stringer (Milina), Jessica McNemi (Millina Sonya Blade), Josh Louuson (Kano), Max Juan (Kun Lao) and Lewis Tang, whose role still holds in the Secret. The Australian Debutant Simon Mcquoyd is responsible for the director, before that, which was created by the creation of commercials for PlayStation and Halo 3. Among the oppositions of Action, James Wang ("Aquamen", "Clearance") are declared.

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