In the "League of Justice" Zack Snidder will be only two new scenes


The "League of Justice" Zack Snidder has long been considered one of the most long-awaited projects of this year, and in many ways the fans is explained by the fact that completely new scenes will be presented in the mini-serial, which took place in the fall of 2020. True, the day before it turned out that it was not necessary to count on them: there will be only two such scenes.

In an interview for ComicBook Debate, Snyder explained that he added only the "two fragments" to his vision of the "League of Justice", including the one he was "really kind of hoping to remove in the post-production" before leaving the project. The second episode, according to the director, is "that scene with Jared", in which the summer repeats his role to Joker from the "suicide squad". "The remaining four hours of the film is exactly what I immediately took off," he stressed.

Snyder also said that in his work on his own version of the film, he again had to overcome disagreements with Warner Bros.

"In truth, I was in the fight against the studio, we needed to do a lot to get funny and all that. I just had to deal with my business to get the material for which no one influenced. I always try to shoot what I think is right, "the cinematographer noticed.

The "League of Justice" will show how again felt faith in humanity Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) shall be reloaded by the support of the convert to the convert, Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) to give a resistant to a serious enemy. Together, Batman and a wonderful woman collect the superhero team to confront the newly awakened threat. But even joint efforts to save the planet will be difficult.

The premiere of the "Equity League" Zack Snidder on HBO MAX is scheduled for March.

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