Cast assistants in disney films


Beasts-assistants are one of the most recognizable traditions of the disney film studio: Parrot of Yago from "Alladina", a PIP chipmunk from "enchanted", or Timon and Pumba from the "King of Lion" (the popularity of the latter has caused the creation of their own television series).

1. Myster Gus and Jacques. "Cinderella" these mice were the most loyal assistants of Cinderella, exhausting it from various strokes and helping her to overcome all obstacles on the way to his beloved Prince

.2. Crab Sebastian. "Mermaid" crab Sebastian, as a person, close to His Majesty Triton, the father of Young Mermaid Ariel, had to solve the royal problems of different scales and ensure that the sea-ocean was not worried about trifles. The audience Sebastian was remembered by his caribbean accent and two musical hits "Under the Sea" and "Kiss the Girl", which were even nominated for the Oscar Prize.

3. Parrot Yago. "Aladdin". Yago is a narcissistic, cowardly and plenty parrot, who serves as an assistant to evil visiting Jafar. This is probably one of the few negative heroes of the Disney cartoon, which we adore the viewer, despite its meanness and dirtyness.

4. Timon and Pumba - "King Lion". Surikat Timon and Kaban Pumba - this enjoying life, carefree bidders, on which Simba's lion cubs. They become his mentors and close friends, helping him to return to him the throne of King Savannah.

5. Firefly Ray and Alligator Louis - "Princess and Frog". Ray is a non-subsidistic romantic, emitting charm and unrequited love for distant Evangelin (the star he takes for a firefly). Louis is the most musical alligator you had to meet. Named in honor of the famous jazz musician playing on the pipe (Louis Armstrong), Louis dreams of playing with concerts, but with each attempt to play his pipe along with other musicians, everyone screams with the shouts of "Karaul!" Both hero help Tian and Navina not only to remove evil spells, but also to find true love.

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