From Donney Darco to "Beginning": the best scientific fiction films of the XXI century are named


The Collider portal calls readers to recognize a terrible fact: humanity lives in the future. In the future, which scientific fiction films told us. We have cars with autopilotes and pocket computers. And progress is not going to stop. Could there be such films of the beginning of the century, and could they understand those problems with which humanity is facing now? By asking these questions, the portal was a list of films, which over the past 20 years have prepared the audience to the future in which they have to live.

From Donney Darco to

The list of 50 paintings got a different ribbons. There are animated films "Vall-and" and "Paprika". There is a noise of "Simon", the creators of which stated that this is the first film, where the main character was fully created with the help of computer technology, and then it turned out that it was just a cunning advertising move. There is a comedy of Edgar Wright "Armagedcez", where for victory over the alien invaders, the drunks need to visit all the bars of the city. There is a cult "Royal Battle", whose finding in the list of films, who prepared us for life in modern society, causes some alarm. They got into the list of films "Detonator" and "Purpose", director, script writer and executive of major roles in which Shane Carrut is both scientists at the same time.

Among the Pictures mentioned by the portal there are many fantastic blockbusters, such as "Start", "Avatar", "Martian", "Iron Man", "Mad Max: the road of rage." In addition, there are films "Eternal radiance of pure mind", "Higher Society", "28 days later", "District 9", Donney Darco & NBSP and others.

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