"Service Roman" bypassed the "The Devil wears Prada" in the ranking of favorite films about the work of Russians


How to relax after a hard working day? For example, see how someone else works. Films that show climbing the career ladder or simply a relationship in a cohesive and not very collective, in the world, even eliminate, and many of them enjoy enviable popularity. And the service of finding the work Superjob even conducted his research in order to find out what films about work and career Russian audience love most.

Among the many suggested belts, the respondents were particularly identified by the famous Eldar Ryazanov "Service Roman" - once over time to watch the history of Love Novoseltsev (Andrey Soft) and Lyudmila Prokofievna (Alice Freindlich) are ready 7% of respondents. And the silver got the film "The Devil wears Prada" with Meryl Strip and Ann Hathaway - dive into the world of fashion and the crazy chiefs adore 6% of respondents. In third place was "Wolf with Wall Street" with Leonardo Dicaprio, who got 5% of the vote.

The ranking also turned out to be such good films as "intern" and "Moscow does not believe in tears" (4%), and another inspirational tape "In pursuit of happiness" (3%). But the "carrier", "founder", "lawyer of the devil", "1 + 1", "Athos", "height", "region of darkness", "Dima Gorina", "Girl", "Courier", "Spring On Zarechnaya Street, "and" truckers "are ready to revise only 1% of respondents.

In total, 1000 Russians took part in the survey, and it is curious that the opinions of men and women were divided. 7% first preferred an aggressive "wolf with Wall Street" (against 3% of women), but 11% of the second were supported by the "The Devil wears Prada" (and among men only 1%).

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