Star "Better Call Salu" replied whether his villain will return to Marvel


Michael Mandeo, who played Scorpio in the film "Spiderman: Returning home," called the fans to "follow the news" in response to the questions, is it worth waiting for his participation in the following films from the MARVEL film. The other day, Mando decided to communicate with fans on Reddit, and although this online conversation was mostly devoted to the TV series "better call Salus", in which Mando also executes one of the important roles, questions about a spider man and Marvel were inevitable. Commenting on his potential return to the role of Scorpio, Mando wrote:

Thank you all! I love a spider man and the whole team. What to know, some rumors are constantly reaching me, but I can't confirm this information, nor refute ... at least yet. So keep watching news.

Recall that, according to the results of the "Spider Man: Away" the superhero person of Peter Parker was revealed, because of what a young fighter with crime may have serious problems. In this regard, rumors arose that in the "Spider Man 3" the capital hero will be withstanding several enemies. In addition, the information recently appeared that Sony was still going to make a film about the sinister six, which consists of opponents of a man-spider.

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