Top 7 films that will make how to strain brains


There are films that raise the mood for all day and give a smile. There are ribbons that touched to the depths of the soul and cause tears. And there is a movie that makes thinking and want to achieve more in life. It is from this kind of films that this selection consists. Best patience, carefully follow the plot, catch every word of heroes, and you will not be disappointed.

Pi, 1998.

Mathematics - Nature language

It is impossible to argue the immense, even if you are a brilliant mathematician. Scientist Max Cohen sees a mathematical system in every natural phenomenon and in every human creation. He devotes the lives to understand the universal code that manages the stock exchange. Cohen leads a closed lifestyle, suffers from migrains, paranoia attacks and hallucinations. All this goes into the background when he approaches the raysterity of the mystery and attracts the attention of stock brokers with Wall Street, as well as religious fanatics.

In the pursuit of the truths of the Universe Cohen approaching the threshold of madness, completely forgetting about ordinary, but important human needs.

Mind games, 2001

You challenge the theory, which is 150 years old?

Between the genius and madness, a thin face. Brilliant mathematician John Nash from a changeless and closed student turns into a famous teacher. He seeks a significant breakthrough in the theory of games, which brings him international recognition, love and new intriguing work. One day, an agent is drawn to Nash, which is represented by William Parcher from the special department of the CIA. He offers John to work for the benefit of the country: analyze certain information and find encrypted messages in it. Nash agrees and some time regularly performs tasks until once is diagnosed with schizophrenia.

The surroundings are trying to convince the professors that there is no agent for a stereter - and has never happened.

Paprika, 2006.

If the usual mortal enter the sacred dream, the anger of all the gods will be collected on it

There are no laws in the dream of dreams, there is no system - only pure chaos. In the near future, scientists invent the device with which they can enter the dreams of other people and watch these dreams. Thus, psychotherapists acquire a way to help their patients to cope with psychological injuries. This device, called DC-MINI, is able to help, so and harm the consciousness of a person. One day someone cuts over the three prototypes of the device from the laboratory and begins to reduce people crazy. Dr. Atsuko Tiba begins to investigate and tries to calculate the criminal with his alter-ego paprika, a young girl who lives in the world of dreams.

Paprika and her colleagues should find the stolen devices before the actions of the criminal will lead to global consequences.

InterStellar, 2014.

Do not go humbly in dusk eternal darkness

In the near future, the planet shake sandstairs and other natural cataclysms, which summarize humanity to the edge of death. Salvation options for the Earth is becoming less and less, and people rush to the stars. When scientists find a black hole in the orbit of Saturn, the government is equipped with a space expedition to find planets suitable for life. Pilot Cooper leaves the family on Earth and, together with the team of other researchers, goes to the wormwort, which in theory will help move to ships to distant galaxies. Scientists have to visit two planets, on one of which one hour is equal to seven earth years, encounter cosmic cataclysms and human egoism.

In the meantime, Cooper's daughter on Earth is looking for a way to return his father home, he recognizes the secret of the black hole.

Martian, 2015.

Wherever I went, I am everywhere first

The history of the first colonizer and farmer of the Red Planet. Mark Sents - Astronaut-Botany, who arrives at Mars within the framework of the space expedition of Ares-3. Even before the end of all works, the team comes a urgent message about the impending sandstorm. Cosmonauts are urgently evacuated from the surface of Mars, but during the waste to the space of Sents it damages the skate and loses consciousness. He comes to himself and discovers that remained on the planet one. Sens does not despair and begins to draw up a survival plan.

The step is the first - to establish a connection with the ground, the step is the second - get water out of the air, step the third - to raise the harvest on the planet, on which nothing grows. Step fourth and most important - go back home.

Arrival, 2016.

Who are they from where they arrived and why are they here?

How to ask a question to the alien, not knowing if there is a "question" in general in his mind? Professor Louise Banks - Honored Specialist in Linguistics. Her, Physics Yana Donneli and other scientists choose to communicate with an alien race, descended by twelve points of the earth's surface. Together they should learn from the aliens the purpose of their arrival.

The life and safety of a whole planet turns out to be in the hands of a few group of people who have to solve the secret of an extraterrestrial language and understand what the intentions were strangers.

UFO, 2018.

Do not immediately move to the most extreme explanations

A film that answers one of the eternal questions of mankind: Lonely people in the universe? Yes, if only we are talking about mathematicians. A student of the College of Derek Ekivaro from childhood is fond of two things: numbers and aliens. Another young boy he saw strange, inexplicable lights in the sky, and many years later became the only person who could understand aliens. Operating mathematical methods, Derek begins its own investigation, after the closure of multiple airports due to strange aircraft.

When the Derek approaches the rayster too close, it begins to pursue the FBI, but the young man is no longer able to stop.

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