On the creation of the dance of the baby's baby in the "Guards of the Galaxy 2" took two years


Answering the other day in Instagram on the questions of fans, the director of films about the guards of the Galaxy James Gunn reported that the creation of a scene of small dancers in the "Guards of the Galaxy 2" took two years. In addition, he shared a short video in which it can be seen how he performs the dance that has become a hero dance after the use of computer technologies.

In addition, the director explained why the twentieth silence and hid from Drax:

Draks hates dances, because it does not understand why they need. If Draks became the mayor of some city, then his first law would be a ban on dancing. That's why little cotton do not want to be caught by this occupation, because he understands that he risks life.

On the creation of the dance of the baby's baby in the

In addition, the director said that in the third part of the film there are changes in the team of the Guardians. New characters may appear in it, and someone from the heroes of the previous parts may die. What exactly will not be in a new film - so this is the appearance of Tanos. James Gunn admitted that he did not see the meaning in the resurrection of this antagonist of the film marvel, "after all there are many other interesting storylines."

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