Holly Berry almost suffocated on the set of bed scene


Recently, Holly Berry was a guest of the online show Jimmy Fallon. The presenter asked the actress, whether she had any dips on the set. In response, Holly remembered the film creation of the film about James Bond "Melci, but not now": In one of the savory scenes, she was fed into figs and almost suffocated. But Pierce Brosnan saved her.

I had to seductly eating figs in a bedside scene with the pier, but it all ended in that I strongly suppressed. And the pier had to apply the reception of Gamelich on me. So everything was not very sexy. But he came to help me. He is one of my favorite people in the world,

- said Berry.

Holly Berry almost suffocated on the set of bed scene 101710_1

But the scene eventually succeeded. At the time of passion with the Bond Heroine Holly pulls out a knife, cuts off a piece of figs, eats it and returns to kisses with a secret agent.

Earlier in an interview with Lena Wate Holly Berry admitted that for three years she lives without a man. Several years ago, she divorced the French actor Oliver Martinez, from which she had a six-year-old son Masseo. Berry also brings up a 12-year-old daughter by Nalo, the father of which is the mannequin Gabriel Obry.

I no longer feel such a relationship. Those with whom I was - normal people, but I need a "my man." In the extreme case, I will stay alone with the children and I will live as I lived,

- said the actress.

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