The creator of the "real detective" stated that Batman could overcome God


Nick Pizzolattto, famous as a leading screenwriter and executive producer of the series "This Detective", on its page in Instagram laid out an extensive post in which he shared his reflections about Batman. Pizzolatto admitted that he would very much wanted to realize his own vision of this famous character in the cinema, since all the existing interpretations of the dark knight appear to him unsuccessful:

Of all the heroes, which I did not create, Batman - the only one that I would be interested to make a movie. Of all the characters of GIC-CULTURE, I am interested in only one. Batman's policies do not kill their enemies should be indestructible. But the point is not that "kill bad" and other kindergarten nonsense, but the fact that it is death that is a genuine enemy of Batman. I hate the versions of Batman, in which he appears an injured boy who does not accept the death of his parents. He is not a child with inhibited development. It is not broken.

Публикация от Nic Pizzolatto (@nicpizzolatto)

On the contrary, Batman is a story about the Holy Man who turned the tragedy of his life in the apotheosis of human achievements. His superconduble is a unique thinking and unshakable will. If you give him enough time, he would be on the shoulder to defeat God himself.

This pizzoltto added that he sees a suitable enemy for his version of Batman, whereas "thin and smiling" Joker would be defeated in a matter of minutes. Surely, many will not agree with such disregard to Joker, who has the glory of the "evil twin" Batman, but it would be interesting which film turned out to be at Pizzolatto, if he really took up a dark knight.

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