The creator of Tansos answered whether to wait for Mrs. Death in the filmmaker Marvel


In the marvel comics, Tanos lives in order to satisfy the famine Mrs. Death, which is a personification of the death concept. This heroine, also known as Lady Death or Lady Chaos, often appears above the shoulders of the Great Titan, encouraging him to destroy living beings and entire civilizations. Mrs. Death regularly appears in comics since 1973, because it is slightly surprising that it was absent in two culminating parts of the "Saga Infinity".

The creator of Tansos answered whether to wait for Mrs. Death in the filmmaker Marvel 101720_1

The author of comics and the artist Jim Stalline, who participated in the creation of Tanos, Mrs. Death and many other characters Marvel, was aware that at this stage Kevin Faigi and his team did not want to introduce into their film-free death or some other abstract characters like a master Order, Lord Chaos or Eternity, but it will certainly happen in the following films. On this occasion, Starlin said:

Previously, they told me that the audience, in their opinion, are not yet ready for acquaintance with abstract entities. But from the next film about Dr. Strendge, they will finally open this area. So if in the future we are waiting for some other films with Tanos, then I will not be surprised if Mrs. Death appears in them.

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Comments Stallin confirm that "Dr. Strøndj and Multivale Madness" will become a certain turning film, in which the film marvel will be released on a new level. The world premiere of this picture should take place on November 5, 2021.

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