50 to 50: according to scientists, people can really live in the matrix


In the world of "matrices", humanity unconsciously abides in captivity of virtual reality created by reasonable machines to use the bodies of people as a source of energy. Although it sounds like a purely science fiction theory, there are scientists who believe that with a probability of 50 to 50 our world can truly be just a simulation of reality, and not a reality as such.

According to the latest report of Scientific American magazine, the exact chance that our life is genuine is 50.222222%. Accordingly, with a probability of 49.777778% the world around the world is a thoroughly worked with a computer program. These calculations are based on the scientific work of the philosopher Nika Bostrom called "Do we live in computer simulation?" (2003). Bostr believes that there are three possibilities:

I argue that at least one of the following assumptions is true: 1) the human genus is likely to be wary before the "post-deceive" stage; 2) It is extremely unlikely that any post-deceive civilization will maintain a large number of simulations of their own evolutionary history (or its variations); 3) We almost certainly live inside the computer simulation. Consequently, there is no reason to believe that one day we will become postlons who created the simulation of their ancestors, if only we do not live inside the simulation.

However, the idea that our reality is not genuine, arose in ancient times - in this regard, you can remember the plato's allegory about the cave, as well as the reflection of Zhuang Tzu about the butterfly and her dream.

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