Dadpool affects the children: Ryan Reynolds soldes Tom Hollands


Being visiting the show "Jimmy Kimmel live", the performer of the role of man-spider in the filmsened Marvel Tom Holland joked that during self-insulation, being locked in four walls, alcohol comes to the rescue, thanks to whom he does not have to quarrel with his Room neighbors. Of course, it was only a joke, but the star "Deadpool" Ryan Reynolds decided to support his colleague, sent Hollanda as a gift of the box of Gina Aviation, whose production was engaged in the alcohol company.

Dadpool affects the children: Ryan Reynolds soldes Tom Hollands 101754_1

Last weekend, I said that I was going to quit drinking on the next week, having arranged a rest. But already literally on Monday in the morning Ryan Reynolds sent me a box of Gina. I did not have time to decide that for a while I would fully start with alcohol, how the call the door ran out - there I was waiting for a cute gift from Ryan. On the box it was written: "Pulling Jin in the sign of neighboring friendship - with love, Ryan,"

- told Tom.

In the course of the same interview with Hollands asked if he had the news about when he was launched in the production of "Spiderman 3". Initially, the start of the filming was scheduled for July, and Sony still hopes to invest in the designated time. True, the situation in the world is still unstable, so it can still change at any time. As long as the release of "Man-Spider 3" is scheduled for July 2021.

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