"Dune" predicts fees in a billion dollars in global box dollars


According to the estimation of the expert on the Box-Office of the Dergaradian, the upcoming Scientific Fantastic Blockbuster Denis Vilnev "Dune" can potentially collect $ 1 billion rental. Although the analyst recognizes that the project is experiencing a certain pressure, because the release of Sikvel depends on the first film indicators, in general, " Dunes "There are all chances to become a world hit. Also, Dergaradian argues that the release of the release from December 2020 on September 30, 2021. year - commercially correct decision:

This is a huge brand shot by an outstanding director at the studio, where the individuality of cinematographers appreciate. The displacement of the premiere does not mean that the cinemas belong to distrust. On the contrary, it shows that Warner Bros management. I am confident in the justification of long-term planning, so it's better to wait for the cinemas to return to the normal mode of work. This is a film that has the potential to collect $ 1 billion. It seems to me that the "dune" will raise the resonance in the spirit of James Bond.

Warner Bros. He places great hopes on the "dune" not only in terms of payback, because the strategic goal is to launch a new large-scale franchise, which could compete with Disney "Star Wars".

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