The director "Torah: Ragnaret" explained why the trailer contradicted the film


During the direct ether in Instagram, the New Zealand director secretly answered the question of why in his film "Tor: Ragnaret" death of Odin (Anthony Hopkins) looked differently than he thought initially. In this picture, Tor (Chris Hemsworth) appeared in a very unexpected light, but the fans liked the flavor brought by Vaititi. In "Ragnarek" torus lost not only the house, hair and hammer, but also his father is Odin. Tsar Asgard was waiting for peaceful death, after which his expelled daughter Hella (Kate Blanchett) was able to regain his throne.

The director

True, one could wait for a completely different end. In the alternative version of this scene, the Tor and Loki stumble on their father on one of the streets of New York. They manage to throw a pair of words, when suddenly appears shela - much earlier than in the final version of the film. She inflicts the dagger and kills him. It is much more cruel and violent death.

Earlier, Vaititi said that it was decided to refuse from such an option due to the fact that the audiences such an exodus inspires excessive sympathy for the same, but now the director proposed a slightly different explanation:

If you have seen a trailer, you know that there is a scene in which one dies in New York. For a number of reasons, we wanted them to be not in New York, but elsewhere, which will then appear in the Avengers: Final. We wanted to introduce this location in advance, thereby denoting the new house of Asgard. In addition, the audience was oppressed that one dies next to the trash can in some alley.

For both variants of death, Odin has its pros and cons. In the original version of Hella, from the very beginning, it appears as a frightened villain, while the scene from "Ragnarec" is more touching - it will be able to say anyone in it to their sons. It is difficult to say which option was better, but it is obvious that Vaititi was from what to choose.

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