Rumor: Chadwick Bowzman can lose the role of black panther


The King of Vacanands did a long way to cinemas, if you consider from the moment when Wesley Snipes announced the desire to film "Black Panther" in the early 90s. But waiting for it was worth - the film of 2018 gathered more than 1.3 billion dollars at the box office and became the first film, filmed by comics, which received an Oscar statuette.

Rumor: Chadwick Bowzman can lose the role of black panther 101819_1

But with all these successes, there are not so many rumors about the film "Black Panther 2". And in those that appear, it is reported that Marvel Studio will prefer to build the plot of the next film around the sister of King T'chchalla Shuri, who played the flyish Wright. Now the 4Chan website has information that Jedwick Bowzman will no longer appear in the film marvel. The source claims that the film studio plans to make the mainly black hero of Namor instead of a black panther.

Additionally, he reports that the whole thing in the financial quantities of bowesman. The actor risks repeat the path of Terrence Howard, who after filming in the "Iron Man" demanded to increase the fee and was replaced by Don Child. At the same time, the bokesman can be a contract, due to which the role of T'Challa cannot be given to another actor. So Marvel may simply be forced to arrange a coup in the fictional kingdom and put on the throne instead of the capricious king his sister Shuri.

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