From "Morbius" to "Aquamena": all the premieres of Marvel and DCs scheduled for 2021 and 2022


Due to the incessant Pandemic of Coronavirus 2020, it turns out to be anomalous in many ways, including in terms of the release of new films. Since most cinemas in the world or closed, or work in a limited mode, film studios are looking for ways to solve problems that have arisen.

Some pictures still went to hire this year, but the example of the militant "argument" showed that such persistence is now fraught with serious financial losses. Another way to release one or another ready-made film is now to transfer the premiere in online cinemas. So, for example, it happened to the Mulan game Rem. But all this is compromise options, so most blockbusters are then transferred to 2021 and 2022. This approach was elected Marvel Studios, Sony Pictures and DC Films.

Superhero movies, the output is scheduled for 2021 year:

• "Morbiow"

• "Black Widow"

• "Vienna: Let Carnazh be"

• "Shan-Chi and Legend of Ten Rings"

• "Self-suicide"

• "Eternal"

• "Spiderman 3"

• "League of Justice" Zack Snider

Superhero movies, the release of which is scheduled for 2022 year:

• "Tor: Love and Thunder"

• "Batman"

• "Dr. Strøndzh: in Multivesened Madness"

• "Black Panther 2"

• "Captain Marvel 2"

• "Spiderman: Through Universes 2"

• "Flash"

• "Aquamen 2"

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