Marvel can release a solo film about Hulk


Marvel Studios continues to return their rights to different superheroes. After the Fox studio was redeemed by Disney, Kevin Faigi and his team got the opportunity to introduce X-free people and fantastic four. Now, as WE Got This Covered reports, Marvel Studios received full-fledged the rights to the Hulk, which for many years owned Universal Studios. Rumors on this bill began to circulate a few months ago, but the source claims that now Marvel has no barriers to create a solo film about the green giant.

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Before the launch of the film marvel, two full-length films about Hulka were shot. In 2003, the director of Eng Lee set the film "Hulk" with Eric Bano in the title role. This screenplay has its advantages and features, however, difficult relationships between father and son in this film seem too "adults", especially against the background of modern MARVEL filmmixes. In addition, some scenes that look spectacular on paper, in fact, look somewhat awkward - for example, the famous battle of Hulk with dogs.

In 2008, the history of Hulk in the movie was restarted when the "incredible Hulk" with Edward Norton came to the screens. Fans waited more action, and they got the desired, but this film became a kind of white crow against the rest of Marvel projects. This contrast is especially noticeable in connection with the "iron man", which came out in the same year.

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In the future, Hulk was introduced into a film marvel as one of the Avengers - since 2012, this role was enshrined behind Mark Ruffalo. It is curious that the actor recently hinted quite recently that he would be happy if Hulk got a solo film, but there were no official statements from Marvel Studios on this score.

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