James Gunn called the best Joker in the movie


Directed by James Gunn was always an active user Instagram, so during quarantine he devotes even more time to communicate with fans with the help of this social network. Once again, answering questions from subscribers, Gunn told what actors, in his opinion, managed to brighter than all to embody certain superheroes. For example, the best Joker in the history of cinematographer believes Hit Ledger, and in relation to Man-Spider-Mann again stressed that he prefers to the Holland:

As I said, "Spiderman: Return home" - one of my favorite MARVEL films, and I like not all films as part of this film dealer. For me, the best spiderman is Tom Holland. The character and its image should match. So yes, the best Spiderman / Peter Parker - Holland, the best Joker - Hit Ledger. Robert Downey Ml. Gorious in the image of an iron man, and Chris Pratt - in the image of the queen.

Soon, Gunn should finally return to the wing of Marvel Studios to rent a third part of the Guardians of the Galaxy. However, before the director will have to complete the work on the "Suicide Council 2" for Warner Bros. and DC Films. The film is already at the post-production stage, and its premiere is scheduled for August 2021.

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