Peta called on a thick torus to lose weight on a vegan diet


Thai Vaititi got into a thick torus. Earlier in the "Avengers: the final" this character fell into depression and rapidly spread from an unhealthy lifestyle and alcohol abuse. In an effort to keep the plot of the film "Thor: Love and Thunder" in the Secret, Vaititi stated many times that I did not yet decide, I will lose weight or remain with overweight.

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Organization PETA (people for ethical animal handling) sent an official letter to the director with a proposal to make Torau Vegetarian. This would explain his return to the previous physique, and would also be a "natural continuation of his compassion for life on Earth." In addition, Chris Hemsworth, the executor of the role of Torah, is a vegetarian. Still in the filmmatic universe Marvel, Benedict Cumberbatch and Natalie Portman, also vegetarians are taken away.

If the torus seriously refers to the protection of the Earth, then the veganism has a lot of meaning. If you refuse to eat animal origin, it will save the life of 200 animals per year, as well as save more than a thousand gallons of water, 30 square feet of forest and 20 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions daily,

- The statement says.

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In the Scandinavian mythology, God Thor managed to be meatless without a threat to the life of animals. When he wanted to eat, he killed and eaten his goats of TanniNIrs and Tangrisnir, and then resurrected them.

Vaititi has enough time to think about the offer of Vegans. The premiere of the film "Tor: Love and Thunder" is scheduled for February 2022.

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