"The World of Jurassic 3" postponed for the summer of 2022


After unsuccessful results shown in the "Argument" and "Mulan", as well as news about the re-closing of a number of cinema networks, the film company massively transfer the premiere of their projects to a later date. Studio Universal Pictures announced the transfer of the premiere of the film "The World of Jurassic: Power" from the summer of 2021 on June 10, 2022. of the year. The director of the film Colin Trevorro in his Twitter commented on this news:

For the last three months I worked with wonderful actors and film crew over the film, which I really want to share with the world. Even if we have to wait a little bit, it is worth it. For now, be healthy and take care of each other.

Insiders, to which Variery edition journalists approve, argue that the cause of the transfer is not associated with the delays in the shooting process. The film was one of the first high-budget projects whose shooting resumed after quarantine. For the implementation of security protocols designed to protect the film collection from Coronavirus, about 5 million dollars were spent. At the moment, shooting is still continuing, but before their ending there are about three weeks.

Thus, the main reason for the transfer of the premiere for a year can only be the need to restore the work of cinemas. Earlier, Universal postponed the Prime Minister of Forsham 9 from April 2, 2021 on May 28, 2021.

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