"Avengers: Final": Captain America against Captain America at an early concert art


Blockbuster "Avengers: Final" gave the fans a lot of unforgettable moments, and one of the best was definitely an episode when Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) was already quite accustomed to the modern world, met with a newer version of herself.

The fight between the Cap and Cap is very spectacular and at the same time funny. Of course, this episode had to think out well, because it was necessary to show how far Steve advanced over the years of the existence of the filmmovered Marvel. On the eve of the artist Ryan Mainerring shared in Instagram concept art key point of the scene, and at the same time told about his impressions about this.

Cap against Capper - the sketch of a keyframe from "Avengers: Final". I prepared then several images, it was an incredible moment for creativity,

- noticed Mayerrange.

"Final" marked the beginning of the time traveling and the idea of ​​parallel realities in the film marvel, and this will undoubtedly have a serious impact on all subsequent narration. For example, it also recently became known that Jamie Fox will return to the role of electro in the "man-spider man", and the trailer of the Wanda / Vizhn series explicitly showed that the witch's scarlet would be to visit the multiverse.

Although the schedule of Marvel releases and badly suffered because of a pandemic, the studio promised that he would have been able to release "Wanda / Vizhn" to Disney + until the end of this year, but the rest of the promised shows and films would be released already in 2021.

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