Jamie Fox will return to the role of electric in "Spider Man 3" from Marvel


According to the authoritative edition of The Hollywood Reporter, Jamie Fox almost agreed with the Sony Studio to play the superlodes of the electro in the next solo film about a spider man. We will remind, for the first time Fox performed electricity in the "New Peace Man: High Voltage" (2014), so that participation in the "People-Spider 3" will be for the actor the debut in the filmmoven Marvel.

It is still unclear, the electric the same character will remain that in the "new spider man", or the character will be changed. Real Name Electro - Max Dillon. As a result of an accident, he gained the ability to manipulate electricity. It should be noted that Fox will not be the first actor who will play the same hero in two different sparse universes, because by this honor, J. K. Simmons was honored, who fulfilled the role of John Jameson in the trilogy of Sam Raymi, and then returned to this image in "Spider-man: away from home."

Interestingly, "high voltage" is considered almost the most unsuccessful film about a spider man, while the image of the electro in Fox is performed by many critics considered extremely unconvincing.

Shooting "Man-Spider 3" headed by Tom Holland should start in the fall in Atlanta, while the release of the paintings was scheduled for December 16, 2021.

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