The first shots appeared from the last film of Jeedwick Bowness, the stars "Black Panthers"


Netflix Strengthening Service announced the first frames from the Ma Rainy's Black Bottom film, the screening of the 1984 play of the Ogast Wilson playwright, dedicated to Ma Raine, which is often called the "Mother of Blues". This film is the last work of the actor Chadwick Bovazman, not so long ago died of cancer. He played Livi's trumpeter, and the main role was performed by the actress Viola Devis. She said so about his work with Chadwik:

Usually, when an actor appears with the status of Chadwick, you see his ego before you see the actor itself, it is so big. But he was 150% not so. He completely discarded himself and reincarnated in the character. Welcome Livi.

The first shots appeared from the last film of Jeedwick Bowness, the stars

The first shots appeared from the last film of Jeedwick Bowness, the stars

I remember how tired it always seemed. I look at his team that meditated with him and made him a massage, and only now I understand that they tried to pour life into him. So that he can continue to work and do it in the level established by them. And he succeeded. I often think that people look at someone's life backwards. Now we have knowledge that the actor Bowzman died at the age of 43. But in fact, Livi is the image of so many black men living in America. And to some extent this role reflects the life of the sample itself.

The first shots appeared from the last film of Jeedwick Bowness, the stars

The first shots appeared from the last film of Jeedwick Bowness, the stars

The film premiere will be held on Netflix on December 18.

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