Robert Pattinson spoke about his acting method on the example of skateboarders


Those who have already managed to get acquainted with the new film Netflix "The Devil is always here", probably remember the hypocritical preacher performed by Robert Pattinson. Despite the fact that this is a very repulsive image, Pattinson endowed his character with bright charisma - especially draws attention to a long-standing southern emphasis, with whom the actor utters his replicas.

As it became known, Pattinson independently developed such a player of speech, without resorting to the services of special coaches. Moreover, the actor hid this aspect from the director Antonio Campos, moving to the emphasis only before the cameras included. In a special video for Netflix Film Club, Pattinson explained his approach to acting game with the original analogy:

Someone likes to watch video with skateboarders who do all sorts of tricks, but there are those who prefer to look like the same skateboarders falling with the crash. I think I'm just from those people who like to watch falls. And I want to be the same type of an actor ... Those who suffer failures or approaching the failure as close as possible.

It is worth making a discount on the fact that Pattinson has long been used to treat himself with irony and criticism. Perhaps it is this that pushes him to be taken for such a risky role for himself as Rev. Preston Tigardin. Recall that the next major project of Pattinson will be "Batman", in which he will fulfill the title role. The film premiere is scheduled for September 30, 2021.

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