Don Chamla had only two hours to agree to "Iron Man 2"


It seems that the creators of the superhero film do not mind to experience actors in stressful situations. The other day it became known that Jesse Eisenberg had only one and a half hours to familiarize himself with the Scenario "Batman against Superman" and decide on the role of Lexier Lex; And it turns out that Don Cheml, who became a warrior in the filmmaker Marvel, was also very limited in time to agree to the role. \

Don Chamla had only two hours to agree to

In an interview, The A.V. Club Actor said that he had fun at the bottom of his child when the agent called him and reported that some of the Marvel wants to communicate with him. Cheml still does not know with whom he spoke with the studio representatives, but does not think that it was Kevin Faigi himself.

Don briefly spoke about the role, emphasizing that this is a contract for six films, and this information introduced it into a stupor.

I tried to estimate. It turned out that the shooting will take 11 or 12 years old,

- he shared. The actor was not sure that he could participate in such a large-scale project, but people from Marvel were quite categorical.

We need to know the answer, because if you do not agree, we will turn to the next actor. You have an hour

They said.

Don Chamla had only two hours to agree to

The Cheml in response noted that he was spending time with his child now, and therefore it would not be able to solve so quickly, and then he was given to reflections for two hours. As a result, he asked the Council from his wife, who told him literally the following:

Yes, you never did anything like that. But you would like this, right?

And when Don replied affirmatively, she suggested that he dare.

As a result, the Chidl really appeared in six MARVEL films, starting with Iron Man 2. Whether his contract was extended, while it is unknown.

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