Sicvel "Brata" received the date of the premiere


Amazon Studios acquired the rights to show the continuation of the 2006 film "Brath: the cultural knowledge of America for the benefit of the nation of Kazakhstan." At the moment, the name of the sequel consists of 18 words, but by the time the premiere may change. The premiere is scheduled for the end of October on Amazon Prime.

Sicvel was filmed by secret during the coronavirus pandemic immediately after the trade unions of the Cinemamen were allowed to resume shooting. He starred in different parts of the US minimum team.

Immediately after the deal was concluded with Amazon, the "official" account of the Republic of Kazakhstan was created in Twitter. The account advertises the site "Kazakhs against foreign intervention", which argues that the entire people of Kazakhstan supports Donald Trump in the elections. In addition, video publishes videos, allegedly supporting Donald Trump as a "war hero", "Defender of Women's Rights" and "COVID Winner, without which all Americans would already be dead."

The premiere of the film with the title "Borat: A gift in the form of a pornographic monkey vice president of the USA Mike Prens, who can bring the benefit of the decreasing nation of Kazakhstan" is scheduled for Amazon Prime October 23 , 10 days before the presidential elections.

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