The star of "Ghost Hunters" promises that "heirs" will not disappoint fans


The last film from the "Ghost Hunters" series turned out to be extremely ambiguous - "female" restart 2016, filmed by a half of FIG, and did not find a response from the general public. Against this background, fans of the original dylogue with even greater impatience are awaiting "haunted hunters: heirs", in which Bill Murray, Dan Eikroyd, Erny Hudson and many others will be returned to their long-standing roles. In the latest interview with Youtube-channel Yes Have some Hudson assured that the new film of the audience will not disappoint:

There were so many announcements and so many unrealized plans. But only after I finally got acquainted with the script, I thought: "Not only that this is really happening, a new story is very good." This film is truly consistent with the fact that they hope to see fans. There is a close connection with the first two parts. I liked the version with the female composition, but it was a completely different look at the "hunters". So, when reading the script, I was more and more admired the upcoming film. By the time, all my former doubts dispelled.

The star of

Initially, "ghost hunters: heirs" should have come back in July, but because of the Pandemic COVID-19 premiere was postponed to March 4, 2021. The director of the picture will be Jason Raitman, who took the place of his father Aivan Rytman, who removed the first two parts of the franchise.

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