Frame from "Avengers: Final" confirmed that Tony Stark - the heart of the team


"Avengers: the final" became the most ambitious MARVEL film, completing the whole phase of the film. Fanam had to say goodbye to the most favorite heroes, and therefore it is not surprising that they even after almost a year after the premiere literally disassemble the plot to atoms to discover something hidden and build new amazing theories.

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Marvel Studios - Easterhead champion, and "Final" did not exception. And on the eve I was confirmed by one of the guesses of fans associated with the Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.). Now you can not doubt that ambitious, the bold Tony Stark has always been the center of the Avengers team - this is directly saying tweet of film studios.

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While watching the viewers noticed that the frame with the hands connected before the jump in time by superheroes very much resembles the Iron Man's reactor, which helped him stay alive after injured. It was his pepper (Gwyneth Paltrow) eventually gave the hero of the Downey Jr., adding the inscription "Proof of the fact that Tony Stark has a heart."

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This easter unit can rightfully be considered one of the most emotional. Yes, Tony was obviously not a hero and committed a lot of dubious actions. But from the film for the film, he changed more and more stronger to protect people and unwind the avengers, and his victim became one of the most important in the history of the film.

Fans will be very bored in an iron man, but his case will continue thanks to a person-spider, and perhaps even Morgan if Marvel Studios decides that the daughter of Tony can also become a superhero.

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